have joon delivery at home!
Order on shef.com for delivery every Sunday!
The World Eats Here!
Make our food at home! With 2 recipes in this amazing cookbook, you can make your own persian chicken kebabs and beef with celery stew at home! So honored to be included in this amazing collection of recipes.
What an honor to be mentioned on Thrillist as a not to miss pop-up at the Queens Night Market!
10 Delicious vendors from the Bronx Night Market
A huge thank you to Untapped Cities for checking us out and naming us in their list of 10 vendors at the Bronx Night Market!
Grub Street!
Shout out to Joon in the NY Mag article about food not to miss at the Queens Night Market!
Gothamist in the Vendys!
An amazing experience to support our fellow street vendors as we compete in the Vendys! Big thanks to Gothamist for including us in their line up.
NY Times Global Flavors!
The article that started it all for us, a huge thank you for the recognition from the NY Times and their mention of us and our amazing Persian delights!